Results for 'B. A. McKee'

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  1.  16
    Thermomigration in alloys for which substitutional-vacancy and interstitial-vacancy mechanisms are operative.B. A. McKee - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (3):715-726.
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    Motivation States for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Desire, Urge, Wanting, and Craving.Matthew A. Stults-Kolehmainen, Miguel Blacutt, John B. Bartholomew, Todd A. Gilson, Garrett I. Ash, Paul C. McKee & Rajita Sinha - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  3. Measurement of Motivation States for Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior: Development and Validation of the CRAVE Scale.Matthew A. Stults-Kolehmainen, Miguel Blacutt, Nia Fogelman, Todd A. Gilson, Philip R. Stanforth, Amanda L. Divin, John B. Bartholomew, Alberto Filgueiras, Paul C. McKee, Garrett I. Ash, Joseph T. Ciccolo, Line Brotnow Decker, Susannah L. Williamson & Rajita Sinha - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Physical activity, and likely the motivation for it, varies throughout the day. The aim of this investigation was to create a short assessment (CRAVE: Cravings for Rest and Volitional Energy Expenditure) to measure motivation states (wants, desires, urges) for physical activity and sedentary behaviors. Five studies were conducted to develop and evaluate the construct validity and reliability of the scale, with 1,035 participants completing the scale a total of 1,697 times. In Study 1, 402 university students completed a questionnaire inquiring (...)
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  4. “ S knows that P ” expanded: Apology 20 d–24 B.Elizabeth Tropman & Patrick McKee - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (1):29-43.
    There are calls to expand the schema “ S knows that p ” to accommodate ways of knowing that are socially important but neglected in recent epistemology. A wider, more adequate conception of human knowing is needed that will include interested or motivated inquirers as “S,” and personal traits of persons as “ p .” Historically important treatments of knowing that accommodate these features deserve examination as part of the effort to create a broader epistemology. We find such a treatment (...)
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    The Seasons of a Man's Life. By Daniel J. Levinson, C.N. Darrow, E.B. Klein, M.H. Levinson & B. McKee Pp. Xiv + 352. (Knopf, New York, 1978.) price $ 10.95. [REVIEW]M. Featherstone - 1979 - Journal of Biosocial Science 11 (3):363-365.
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  6. JACOBELLI A. M. ISOLDI, "G. B. Vico. La Vita e le opere".B. A. B. A. - 1961 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 53:210.
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    Medicating the mind: a Kantian analysis of overprescribing psychoactive drugs.B. A. Manninen - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (2):100-105.
    Psychoactive drugs are being prescribed to millions of Americans at an increasing rate. In many cases these drugs are necessary in order to overcome debilitating emotional problems. Yet in other instances, these drugs are used to supplant, not supplement, interpersonal therapy. The process of overcoming emotional obstacles by introspection and the attainment of self knowledge is gradually being eroded via the gratuitous use of psychoactive medication in order to rapidly attain a release from the common problems that life inevitably presents (...)
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    William of Malmesbury: Gesta Pontificum Anglorum.R. A. B. Mynors, R. M. Thomson & M. Winterbottom - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    William of Malmesbury's Regesta Regum Anglorum is one of the great histories of England, and one of the most important historical works of the European Middle Ages. Although its focus is national, its scope encompasses most of Western Europe and beyond, providing a full-scale account of the First Crusade. Apart from its formidable learning, it is characterized by narrative skill and entertainment value - with topics including unpowered flight and Henry I's zoo. This edition in the Oxford Medieval Texts series (...)
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    On Wanting to Be Somebody.A. B. Palma - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (245):373 - 387.
    There are many people in the world who want to be Somebody. Let us describe someone as Somebody who comes to believe that, in one or more respects, he or she is a special or significant person and who succeeds, through whatever means, in acquiring some sort of reputation and some sort of fame. People want to become Somebody because they believe that unless they succeed in that respect they will turn out to be a mere mediocrity, or worse still, (...)
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    Comparing embodiment experiences in expert meditators and non-meditators using the rubber hand illusion.A. Xu, B. H. Cullen, C. Penner, C. Zimmerman, C. E. Kerr & L. Schmalzl - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 65:325-333.
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    New perspectives in the evidence‐based healthcare debate.A. Miles, B. Charlton, P. Bentley, A. Polychronis, J. Grey & N. Price - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (2):77-84.
  12. El Viscum y las alas del alma en San Agustín. Aplicaciones espirituales de una forma rudimentaria de cacería.Enrique A. Eguiarte B. - 2011 - Revista Agustiniana 52 (158):283-283.
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    A note on Dr. Martin's senses of 'refutable'.B. A. Farrell - 1964 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 7 (1-4):99-103.
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    Auditory discrimination in children: The effect of relative and absolute instructions on retention and transfer.Donald A. Riley, John P. Mckee & Donna D. Bell - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (4p1):581.
  15. 13. Effect of Pre-& Post-partum Feeding Management on Body Weight, Blood & Milk Parameters & Reproductive Performance of Murrah Buffaloes.A. B. Deshmukh & B. P. Sengupta - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay, Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.. pp. 95.
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  16. Posterior cingulate, precuneal and retrosplenial cortices: Cytology and components of the neural network correlates of consciousness.B. A. Vogt & Steven Laureys - 2005 - In Steven Laureys, The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
    Neuronal aggregates involved in conscious awareness are not evenly distributed throughout the CNS but comprise key components referred to as the neural network correlates of consciousness (NNCC). A critical node in this network is the posterior cingulate, precuneal, and retrosplenial cortices. The cytological and neurochemical composition of this region is reviewed in relation to the Brodmann map. This region has the highest level of cortical glucose metabolism and cytochrome c oxidase activity. Monkey studies suggest that the anterior thalamic projection likely (...)
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    The Characteristics of Exceptional Human Experiences.A. D. Sagher, B. Butzer & H. Wahbeh - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (11-12):203-237.
    Exceptional human experiences (EHEs) have garnered increasing research attention, particularly with regard to the characteristics and potential functional aspects of these experiences. The current study sought to replicate and expand upon previous research on EHEs by using a mixed-methods approach to examine the characteristics of EHEs in a large adult sample. The participants were 869 healthy adults who completed a survey that allowed participants to share both quantitative ratings and qualitative descriptions of EHEs. The results revealed that 96.7% of respondents (...)
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  18. Neural network modeling.B. K. Chakrabarti & A. Basu - 2008 - In Rahul Banerjee & Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Models of brain and mind: physical, computational, and psychological approaches. Boston: Elsevier.
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    Spiritual values in the setting of health care priorities.B. R. Coyle & P. A. Ubel - 2000 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 10 (1):107.
  20. al-Nafs al-insānīyah.Muḥammad Challūb Farḥān - 1986 - Mawṣil, ʻIrāq: Maktabat Bassām.
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  21. Filosofskai︠a︡ antropologii︠a︡: kriticheskiĭ ocherk.B. T. Grigorʹi︠a︡n - 1982 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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    Editors’ introduction.B. Libet, A. Freeman & J. Sutherland - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (8-9):x-xxiii.
    [opening paragraph]: Our sense of free will depends upon a balance between reliability and flexibility in relation to cause-and-effect. Without the former, all outcomes would be arbitrary; without the latter, all outcomes would be predetermined. In neither case would there be any way of putting one's will into effect. So much is clear, yet establishing that precarious balance has proved so difficult that Kant himself declared ‘freedom of the will’ to be one of only three metaphysical problems which lie beyond (...)
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  23. Commentators' Index.B. Manuka, K. C. Anyanwu, A. G. A. Hello, A. Berezin, J. A. Bracken, D. A. Crosby, D. Crossley, M. H. DeArmey, C. Emmeche & C. Ess - 2000 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 23:102.
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    Mímesis e invisibilización social: interdividualidad colectiva en América Latina.Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, José Luís Jobim, Méndez Gallardo & B. Mariana (eds.) - 2017 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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  25. The effect of surface orientation on the perception of stereoscopic corrugations.A. D. Parton, M. F. Bradshaw, B. J. Rogers & I. R. L. Davies - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 67-68.
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  26. Badler, NI, 1 Bibby, PA, 539 Black, JB, 457.B. D. Burns, K. J. Holyoak, A. Howes, D. Jurafsky, D. L. Schwartz, M. Steedman, S. van Koten, R. Vollmeyer, J. E. Laird & M. D. LeBlanc - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20:617.
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  27. Is Futility a Futile Concept?B. A. Brody & A. Halevy - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (2):123-144.
    This paper distinguishes four major types of futility (physiological, imminent demise, lethal condition, and qualitative) that have been advocated in the literature either in a patient dependent or a patient independent fashion. It proposes five criteria (precision, prospective, social acceptability, significant number, and non-agreement) that any definition of futility must satisfy if it is to serve as the basis for unilaterally limiting futile care. It then argues that none of the definitions that have been advocated meet the criteria, primarily because (...)
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  28. Martyrer, ISBN 978-3-429-02926-5.A. Robben & B. Nichtweiss - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (1):152.
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  29. Instytut movoznavstva im. O.O. Potebni NAN Ukraïny: 1930-2005: materialy do istoriï.V. H. Skli︠a︡renko, T. B. Lukinova & P. O. Seliheĭ (eds.) - 2005 - Kyïv: Vydavnyt︠s︡tvo "Dovira".
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  30. O nekotorykh osnovnykh voprosakh marksistsko-leninskoĭ gnoseologii.K. B. Vardapeti︠a︡n - 1963 - Erevan: Izd-vo Erevanskogo gos. universiteta.
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  31. Bodily continuity and personal identity.B. A. O. Williams - 1960 - Analysis 21 (December):43-48.
  32.  34
    Vaught's conjecture for weakly o-minimal theories of convexity rank 1.A. Alibek, B. S. Baizhanov, B. Sh Kulpeshov & T. S. Zambarnaya - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (11):1190-1209.
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    XIII*—Temporal Precedence.B. A. Farrell - 1973 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 73 (1):193-216.
    B. A. Farrell; XIII*—Temporal Precedence, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 73, Issue 1, 1 June 1973, Pages 193–216,
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  34. Tegen de dood. Over Friederike Mayröckers, vom Umhalsen der Sperlingswald.A. B. M. Naaijkens - 2012 - Nexus:1-4.
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  35. Why Economists Disagree.A. B. Wolfe - 1939 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 5:242.
  36. A Study of Spinoza.B. A. G. Fuller - 1932 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 13 (2):94.
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  37. A Note on Wittgenstein Biography.B. A. Worthington - 1998 - In Karoly Kokai Peter Kampits, Papers of the 21st International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 293-297.
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    The HPCSA’s telemedicine guidance during COVID-19: A review.B. A. Townsend, M. Mars & R. E. Scott - 2020 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 13 (2):97.
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  39. O materialisticheskom podkhode k i︠a︡vlenii︠a︡m i︠a︡zyka.B. A. Serebrennikov - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  40. Naẓarīyat al-burhān al-manṭiqīyah ʻinda al-Fārābī wa-mawqif Ibn Sīnā wa-Ibn Bājah minhā.Niḍāl Dhākir ʻAdhāb - 2010 - Baghdād: Bayt al-Ḥikmah.
    Fārābī; Avicenna, 980-1037; Avempace, -1138 or 1139; logic; Islamic philosophy; history.
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  41. Noveĭshie techenii︠a︡ i problemy filosofii v FRG.B. T. Grigorʹi︠a︡n (ed.) - 1978 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Print︠s︡ipy zakonodatelʹstva Bentama protiv mirazha pravovogo gosudarstva.S. B. Poli︠a︡kov - 1993 - Permʹ: S.B. Poli︠a︡kov.
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  43. Are there nontrivial constraints on colour categorization?B. A. C. Saunders & J. van Brakel - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):167-179.
    In this target article the following hypotheses are discussed: (1) Colour is autonomous: a perceptuolinguistic and behavioural universal. (2) It is completely described by three independent attributes: hue, brightness, and saturation: (3) Phenomenologically and psychophysically there are four unique hues: red, green, blue, and yellow; (4) The unique hues are underpinned by two opponent psychophysical and/or neuronal channels: red/green, blue/yellow. The relevant literature is reviewed. We conclude: (i) Psychophysics and neurophysiology fail to set nontrivial constraints on colour categorization. (ii) Linguistic (...)
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  44. GRUBE G. M. A., "Plato's thought".B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:211.
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    Practising Doctors, Resource Allocation and Ethics.A. D. B. Chant - 1989 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (1):71-76.
    In order to slow down the inexorable increase in spending on health care, the British government has implemented an initiative proposed by Griffiths. This initiative is designed to make doctors more accountable for the decisions they may take. In this essay I argue first, that the conflation of two decisions (financial and clinical) leads to unnecessary ethical dilemmas and secondly, that as psychologically it is difficult to take two decisions simultaneously, inevitably the clinician is forced to name either the financial (...)
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  46. Un buon incontro.A. Alvarez, B. Copley, J. Magagna, L. Miller, C. Polacco, S. Reid, M. Rustin, M. Waddel & E. Quagliata - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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  47. Markovits, H., B93.A. Monk, A. Berthoz, B. Bouchard, H. Clahsen, K. Emmorey, L. Gagnon, E. Gibson, M. Giles, G. Hickok & E. Klima - 1998 - Cognition 68:251.
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    Giannini A, Pessina A, Tacchi EM. End.S. Shah, A. Whittle, B. Wilfond, G. Gensler & D. Wendler - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13:427-429.
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  49. A Version of Bar-Induction. Abstract.B. A. Kushner - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57:361.
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  50. Teorii︠a︡ algorifmov i matematicheskai︠a︡ logika.B. A. Kushner, N. M. Nagornyĭ & A. A. Markov (eds.) - 1974 - Moskva: Vychislitelʹnyĭ t︠s︡entr AN SSSR.
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